How to cancel an Animal Status Declaration (ASD) in MyOSPRI

Use this step-by-step guide to cancel an Animal Status Declaration (ASD) in MyOSPRI.

Log in to MyOSPRI and follow these steps.

  1. 1 Select ASDs in left-hand menu.
  2. 2 Select the page icon to the right of an ASD to view it.
  3. 3 Select Cancel at the top right of the ASD summary page. You will see a warning message. Select:
    • Keep ASD if you don't want to cancel the ASD, or
    • Yes, cancel ASD if you want to cancel it. You will see a confirmation message saying that you have successfully cancelled the ASD and the ASD status will change to cancelled. The person receiving your animals will also get a message that you have cancelled the ASD.

Cancel an ASD


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After you log in to MyOSPRI, select View ASDs.

This takes you to a list of all the ASDs that you've entered in MyOSPRI.

To view the details of an ASD, select the page icon beside that entry on the far right.

A page slides across the screen with the details for that ASD.

To cancel an ASD, select Cancel at the top right of the ASD page.

A page comes up asking you to confirm that you want to cancel the ASD and warning you that the person receiving your animals will be notified that you have cancelled the movement of your animals.

You can select Yes, cancel ASD at the left of the screen to continue with the cancellation. (If you don't want to cancel, select Keep ASD at the right of the screen.)

A message confirming the cancellation pops up on the screen and you are returned to your list of ASDs. The cancelled ASD now has a status of Cancelled.

If you still need help to cancel an ASD, call us on 0800 482 463.