OSPRI nominated as the management agency in MPI consultation on a National Pest Management Plan for M. bovis

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has opened a consultation on proposed changes to the M. bovis Eradication Programme.

A proposal is being made to change how the M. bovis Eradication Programme is administered, moving it from a Government-Industry Agreement (GIA) to a National Pest Management Plan (NPMP), with OSPRI as the proposed management agency.

Under this NPMP, OSPRI would administer the programme and manage the disease to achieve eradication. We can potentially achieve savings of $15m through the natural synergies between the M. bovis programme and our NAIT and the TBFree programmes.

It is proposed that we are contracted to manage the surveillance phase of the eradication programme from 1 November 2023. If the NPMP plan is approved, it will give us additional legal powers to deliver the programme and implement the new management rules.

Make a submission

Public consultation on the proposed changes opened today and closes on 25 September 2023.

You can review the proposal and make a submission on the MPI website by following the link below.